1. Nº 5.24 Madrid, 18 de enero de 2024 REPÚBLICA CHECA. CAMBIOS SISTEMA PEAJES
3. CO 2 new vehicles will be reclassified according to their CO 2 emissions. If you own a vehicle registered after 1 July 2019, check its CO 2 emission class in the manufacturing documents or at: THE WAY TOLLS ARE CALCULATED IS CHANGING Starting from 1 March 2024 www.mytocz.eu/co2/en .
2. Nº 5.24 Madrid, 18 de enero de 2024 REPÚBLICA CHECA. CAMBIOS SISTEMA PEAJES A partir del 1 de marzo de 2024, la República Checa introducirá un nuevo componente de peaje que tendrá en cuenta la producción de emisiones de CO2 de los vehículos matriculados en el Sistema de Peaje Electrónico. Encuentre el folleto informativo adjunto con esta información. Puede encontrar más información aquí: https://mytocz.eu/en/co2 En esta página estará disponible el buscador de clases de emisiones de CO2 a partir del 20 de enero de 2024. Nota: aún no se han confirmado nuevas tarifas de peaje. C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 74, 3 planta - 28006 MADRID Tlf.: 91 451 48 01 / 07 – Fax: 91 395 28 23 E-mail: [email protected] Nota: Prohibida la edición, distribución y puesta en red, total o parcial, de esta información si n la autorización de A ST IC
4. DO I NEED TO TAKE ANY ACTION? THE CRITICAL DATE IS THE 1st VEHICLE REGISTRATION It is not mandatory for carriers to take any action. Initially, all vehicles will be classified in CO 2 emission class 1 which, according to preliminary estimates includes more than 90% of vehicles. Vehicles with a first registration date of before 1 July 2019 and all M2 and M3 vehicles (buses) will not eligible for a higher CO 2 emission class (2 – 5). Operators of these vehicles do not need to take any action *(except for vehicles powered purely by electric energy and hydrogen - these belong to CO 2 emission class 5). The change introduces five CO 2 emission classes. Charges are highest for CO 2 emission class 1, while CO 2 emission class 5 is reserved for emission-free vehicles. The assignment of a higher CO 2 emission class for vehicles registered after 1 July 2019 is automatic. If the required information about the vehicle is not available to accurately assign it to CO 2 emission class 2, 3, 4 or 5, it will be assigned to CO 2 emission class 1. Use the CO 2 Emission Class Finder for verification at www.mytocz.eu/en/co2. I HAVE A VEHICLE REGISTERED AFTER 1 JULY 2019 AND THE EMISSION CLASS FINDER CONFIRMED THE POSSIBILITY OF ASSIGNMENT TO A HIGHER CO 2 EMISSION CLASS. WHAT SHOULD I DO NEXT? If you require your vehicle to be assigned to a class higher than the CO 2 emission class 1, you will have to submit documents demonstrating that it meets the requirements of the Electronic Toll System (in particular data from the manufacturing documents: COC, CIF). This can be done by submitting the documents through the Customer Zone (www.mytocz.eu/en) or via e-mail, or at Contact Points. Selected fuel card issuers will also help their clients to submit the documents. If the vehicle is not classified correctly, the operator will not face any penalties. YOU CAN FIND DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT THE INTRODUCTION OF CO2. EMISSION CLASSES AND THE CO2 EMISSION CLASS FINDER AT WWW.MYTOCZ.EU/CO2/EN
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